A.B.A Championships

Damien Campbell National Finalist
Todd Mills London Champion
Elliot Mathews London Champion 
Abdul Kumar N.E. Div Champion

Junior A.B.A Championships

Tony Farmer London Champion
Frank Buglioni London Champion

Golden Belt

Frank Buglioni National Champion
Billy Eastwood National Finalist

Golden Gloves

John Ward National Champion
Tom Baker National Champion
George Langley National Champion
Martin Ward National Champion
Sam Mcness National Champion
Elvis Assadi National Semi-Finalist
Oliver Williams London Champion


Ryan Pickard
England             V     Canada
Gary Barker
England             V    Italy
England             V    Italy
England             V    Ireland

European Junior Championship --     Estonia

Gary Barker
England             V    Turkey
England             V    Ukraine


Billy Buckland National Finalist

Four Nations

John Ward Gold Medal
Martin Ward Gold Medal
Tom Baker Gold Medal
Sam Mcness Gold Medal
George Langley Gold Medal

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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